Eurekakids Zagreb…¡Bienvenida Croacia!

En Eurekakids celebramos la reciente incorporación de Croacia a nuestra cada vez más extensa familia.

Eurekakids Zagreb se encuentra dentro moderno Centro Comercial Arena Centar que destaca además de por su amplia oferta de tiendas y entretenimiento, por su impresionante arquitectura con amplios pasillos y techos de cristal.

Zagreb, capital de Croacia es la ciudad más grande del país y tiene una población aproximada de 1 millón de habitantes. En ella se encuentra la sede del gobierno del país y alberga la mayoría de ministerios del gobierno croata.

Si te atraen los edificios monumentales, su rica gastronomía y en especial, los pasteles debes visitar Zagreb y nuestra tienda Eurekakids.

Eurekakids Zagreb
CC Arena Centar
Ulica Vice Vukova 6
10020 Zagreb – Croacia

Eurekakids Zagreb…. Welcome to Croatia!

At Eurekakids we are celebrating the recent addition of Croatia to our ever-expanding family. The new shop is located in the modern Arena Centar. This mall is well-known in Zagreb for its wide range of shops and entertainment and for its stunning architecture with wide corridors and glass roofs.

Zagreb is Croatia’s capital and with approximately 1 million inhabitants the country’s largest city. It is the seat of the countries government and home to most of its ministries.

If you are attracted to monumental buildings, good food (try the Croatian cakes!), and want to experience an unforgettable cultural adventure, you should visit Zagreb and pass by our new Eurekakids shop, where the staff will give you a warm welcome!

Eurekakids Zagreb
CC Arena Centar
Ulica Vice Vukova 6
10020 Zagreb – Croacia

Eurekakids Zagreb

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